Friday, February 22, 2008

Unions are for Idiots #2

Since I will be away for a while and I have many friends and relatives living in
Canada I will let one of them sound of in this blog.

The Canadian Auto Workers Union is loosing jobs as everyone now knows, because of the slowdown in sales. Buzz Hargrove their union president has vowed that they will not take any pay cuts to save their jobs as the unions did in the US. Instead they want government subsidies to help them out.

I have no sympathy for these idiots. The estimate is that they are now getting paid $5 to $10 dollars an hour more than their counterparts in the US. For years we were being ripped off by the overpriced and poorly built cars they produced. Did they have any sympathy for us?

With the dollar being near par they should be getting the same pay rate as the US workers to stay competitive. Why should other taxpayers money be used to subsidize the life style of these overpriced workers.

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